- A.Pizzi
- B.Burgess
- T.Wahl
- V.Motamarri
- M.McGinley
- A.Morris
- A.Sanders
- (AMOP)
- L.E.Chern
- D.Spasic-Mlacak
- C.Castelnovo
- A.Jha
- B.Peng
- M.Simoncelli
- (QM) A.Eaton
- N.Chakraborty
- K.Thompson
- W.Jankowski
- G.Chaudhary
- J.Kemp
- A.Souslov
- M.Wampler
- D.Barberena
- (PoSNS)
- D.Khmelnitskii
- [easter break]
[resume on Apr.22] - M.A.Bejan
- J.Hannukainen
- L.Ruegg
- (AMOP)
- J.Behrends
- C.Aitchison
- L.Sa
- A.Lamacraft
- Y.Pei
- N.Cooper
- A.Gower
- C.Wille
- O.Alsaiari
- O.Scarlatella
- B.Beri
Collective Phenomena Group Meetings
Group meetings are held every Tuesday between 12:30 and 14:00 in the TCM seminar room.
Participation is on a voluntary basis and anyone is most welcome to attend. However, we kindly ask regular participants to subscribe to the event (by email to cc726). Lunch sanwiches are provided in ratio of the number of people subscribed.
Subscribers take turn into leading the meetings, either by presenting their own research or reviewing a scientific article of choice. Blackboard presentations are preferred, but screen and projector are also available if needed. The atmosphere of the meetings is informal and so are meant to be the presentations. Speakers should keep in mind that we all come from a varied background and a gentle introduction to the topic is always welcome.
The order of people leading the meetings follows the list on the right; the name of the next person in charge appears in red. If you cannot make your turn, please try to find someone else to swap with on the list and email cc726 with details of the change. It is up to the person in charge of a meeting to email the CPGM mailing list (cpgm @ tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk) and let people know the topic and other useful information / references.
To subscribe to the CPGM mailing list, please follow this link.
To unsubscribe to the CPGM mailing list, please follow this link.