Research Highlights
Dualities of Paired Quantum Hall Bilayer States
New duality explains phase crossover in bilayer quantum Hall systems

Diagram of the main dualities. Solid lines stand for topological equivalence and dashed lines are for particle-hole duality.
Dualities are a powerful approach that allows to turn one problem into another formulation that might be easier to analyze. Such dualities are of particular use in strongly correlated systems where exact answers are not available. This study finds that such dualities shed new light on bilayer quantum Hall systems. In such systems strong correlations as well as a role of topology conspire in rather complicated phases that are conventionally viewed as liquids of composite (i.e. due to interactions bound) particles. It is known that these phases can be either made of pairs of electrons in each layer or of electrons and holes in the two layers, albeit with different pairing mechanisms. This work shows that these theories are two sides of the same coin and can be seen as being related by a duality. This elucidates the nature of possible transitions between these regimes as the dual nature indicates these must be crossovers and helps to explain recent experiments as well as facilitating field theoretical descriptions of such bilayer quantum Hall systems.
Dualities of Paired Quantum Hall Bilayer States at νT=½+½ , Luca Rüegg, Gaurav Chaudhary, Robert-Jan Slager, Physical Review Letters 133, 156402 (2024).