Bo Peng

Dr Bo Peng
Fellow of Magdelene College
Office: 537 Mott Bld
Google Scholar
TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory
19 JJ Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge, CB3 0HE UK.

Quantum computers are limited in various regards, the most notable being the extremely low temperatures at which these quantum phenomena occur, thus hampering technologically relevant applications. Using the recently developed computational tools that enable the calculation of finite temperature properties, the specific objectives of my research are to: (1) find the most promising materials at experimentally feasible temperatures that could be used in high-temperature quantum computing; and (2) identify the best candidates to guide our experimental collaborators in fabricating quantum computers. To accomplish this, I will perform state-of-the-art first principles density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory calculations on high-performance supercomputers to characterize the materials of interest.

In Plain English
As Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac said in Quantum Mechanics of Many-electron Systems in 1929, "The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty is only that the exact application of these laws leads to equations much too complicated to be soluble. It therefore becomes desirable that approximate practical methods of applying quantum mechanics should be developed, which can lead to an explanation of the main features of complex atomic systems without too much computation." I aspire to apply the fundamental laws of quantum physics to study nature at large, from nanoscience to quantum biology. The starting point is electrons and atomic vibrations in solids. Understanding how these quasiparticles interact with each other can help us address a variety of problems such as realizable topological quantum computers at high temperatures.
Featured Publications
C60 building blocks with tuneable structures for tailored functionalities
Tuning electronic and optical properties of 2D polymeric C60 by stacking two layers
Smallest [5,6]fullerene as building blocks for 2D networks with superior stability and enhanced photocatalytic performance
Photoinduced electronic and spin topological phase transitions in monolayer bismuth
Physical Review Letters 132 (11), 116601 (2024) -
Negative refraction of Weyl phonons at twin quartz interfaces
ACS Materials Letters 6 (3), 847 (2024) [Front Cover] -
Boosting photocatalytic water splitting of polymeric C60 by reduced dimensionality from 2D monolayer to 1D chain
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (51), 11768 (2023) [Front Cover] -
Stability and strength of monolayer polymeric C60
Nano Letters 23 (2), 652 (2023) -
Monolayer fullerene networks as photocatalysts for overall water splitting
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (43), 19921 (2022) -
Tunable photostriction of halide perovskites through energy dependent photoexcitation
Physical Review Materials 6 (8), L082401 (2022) Editors' Suggestion -
Multigap topology and non-Abelian braiding of phonons from first principles
Physical Review B 105 (8), 085115 (2022) -
Phonons as a platform for non-Abelian braiding and its manifestation in layered silicates
Nature Communications 13, 423 (2022) ESI Top 0.1% Hot Paper -
Degenerate topological line surface phonons in quasi-1D double helix crystal SnIP
npj Computational Materials 7, 195 (2021) -
Phonon-assisted electronic states modulation of few-layer PdSe2 at terahertz frequencies
npj 2D Materials and Applications 5, 87 (2021) -
Topological phonons in oxide perovskites controlled by light
Science Advances 6 (46), eabd1618 (2020) -
Highly efficient blue-emitting CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals through neodymium doping
Advanced Science 7, 2001698 (2020) ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper [Inside Front Cover] -
Sub-picosecond photo-induced displacive phase transition in two-dimensional MoTe2
npj 2D Materials and Applications 4, 14 (2020) -
Topological semimetallic phase in PbO2 promoted by temperature
Physical Review B 100 (16), 161101(R) (2019) -
In-plane anisotropic thermal conductivity of few-layered transition metal dichalcogenide Td-WTe2
Advanced Materials 31 (7), 1804979 (2019) -
High thermoelectric efficiency in monolayer PbI2 from 300 K to 900 K
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 6 (4), 920-928 (2019) -
Predicting Dirac semimetals based on sodium ternary compounds
npj Computational Materials 4, 68 (2018) -
Room-temperature bound exciton with long lifetime in monolayer GaN
ACS Photonics 5 (10), 4081-4088 (2018) -
Tuning thermal transport in C3N monolayers by adding and removing carbon atoms
Physical Review Applied 10 (3), 034046 (2018) -
1D SbSeI, SbSI, and SbSBr with high stability and novel properties for microelectronic, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric applications
Advanced Theory and Simulations 1 (1), 1700005 (2018) [Cover] -
Chemical intuition for high thermoelectric performance in monolayer black phosphorus, a-arsenene and aW-antimonene
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (5), 2018-2033 (2018) [Back Cover] -
Stability and strength of atomically thin borophene from first principles calculations
Materials Research Letters 5 (6), 399-407 (2017) -
The conflicting role of buckled structure in phonon transport of 2D group-IV and group-V materials
Nanoscale 9 (22), 7397-7407 (2017) ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper [Back Cover] -
High thermoelectric performance of Weyl semimetal TaAs
Nano Energy 30, 225-234 (2016) -
Beyond perturbation: Role of vacancy-induced localized phonon states in thermal transport of monolayer MoS2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (51), 29324-29331 (2016) -
Phonon transport properties of two-dimensional group-IV materials from ab-initio calculations
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245420 (2016) -
First-principles prediction of ultralow lattice thermal conductivity of dumbbell silicene: A comparison with low-buckled silicene
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (32), 20977-20985 (2016) -
The electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of borophene from first-principles calculations
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (16), 3592-3598 (2016) ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper -
Towards intrinsic phonon transport in single layer MoS2
Annalen der Physik 528 (6), 504-511 (2016) [Back Cover] -
Low lattice thermal conductivity of stanene
Scientific Reports 6, 20225 (2016) ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper -
Thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2, MoSe2, and WS2: Interplay of mass effect, interatomic bonding and anharmonicity
RSC Advances 6 (7), 5767-5773 (2016) ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper