Rundong Yuan

Rundong Yuan
Member of Queens' College
PhD student in Dr Slager's group
Office: 536 Mott Bld
Personal web site
TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory
19 JJ Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge, CB3 0HE UK.
My research interests are of the interplay between topological materials and (magnetic) polarizations, especially for their transport and dynamics. To be specific, I'd like to pave ways for quantum technologies (e.g. topological quantum computings) by (quasi-)particles that carries information within various kinds of topological magnetic and/or polar materials. I use combinition of models and first-principles calculations accounting for the emergent physics in condensed-matter systems.
In Plain English
I do theories and calculations for materials that might be useful for quantum technologies. The excitations in materials (called quasiparticles), which possess quantized energies, and among the potential candidates. My research focuses on the ways to connect our world to a tiny-sized quantum world via those excitations.